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بدء الاتصال أغلق

مصباح أرضي للكابتن فلينت

SKU: ML-146-1

$270.00 USD $405.00 USD
الشحن تحسب عند الخروج.



يتميز هذا المصباح الأرضي متعدد الاستخدامات، الأنيق والرشيق، بتفاصيل ذكية من الرأس إلى أخمص القدمين. في الجزء العلوي، يوفر الناشر المخروطي الدوار ضوءًا مباشرًا يمكن إعادة وضعه. في الجزء السفلي، يتم وزنه بقاعدة مذهلة من رخام كارارا الأبيض أو رخام ماركينا الأسود. يتوفر جذعها ومخروطها من الفولاذ المطلي أو النحاس المصقول. الناشر عبارة عن جهاز كمبيوتر شخصي محفور ضوئيًا (بولي كربونات) مصبوب بالحقن. يبلغ طول سلك الطاقة 200 سم ويتميز بمفتاح قدم مع وظائف التشغيل والإيقاف.  

ملاحظة: نوصي بأن لا تتجاوز زاوية دوران عاكس الضوء 270 درجة

ملحوظة*: أن نمط الرخام يختلف من منتج لآخر، لذا قد تختلف الصورة المعروضة.

إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة حول منتجاتنا، فيرجى الاتصال بنا وسنرد عليك في غضون 24 ساعة.

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حجم المنتج

الحجم: القطر 30 سم × الارتفاع 155 سم / ∅ 11.8 بوصة × الارتفاع 61 بوصة


مادة: معدن, رخام.

مصدر الضوء: لمبة LED أو لمبة اديسون.

نوع قاعدة مصدر الضوء: E26 أو E27.

الجهد الكهربائي:  تيار متردد 110-240 فولت.

مقاوم للرطوبة: IP 20، مقاوم للرطوبة وغير مقاوم للماء، للاستخدام الداخلي فقط.

بيئة: داخلي.

التشطيبات قاعدة المصباح: رخام أبيض.

اللمسة النهائية للظل: نحاسي، أسود.

التحكم: زر ضغط تشغيل/إيقاف مضمن.

أسلاك 98.4 بوصة مع مفاتيح توصيل.

شهادة: UL، ETL و CE، SAA مدرجة.

تحميل الدعم

Air Table Lamp
تحديد تعليمات التحميل ملفات ثلاثية الأبعاد

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Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Scott McClenaghan
I love lamp!

When this first arrived I was shocked by how heavy the box was but it made sense once I opened it and saw the very heavy stone base which is necessary for balance. It was very easy to put together and there is a protective layer on the bottom of the base which allowed me to slide it easily across my wood floors so I didnt need to lift it. It slid very smoothly and did not scratch my floors. Putting it together took less than 5 minutes and I think it looks fantastic. Really elevated an otherwise neglected corner of my living room. I used an Edison bulb it and I love how it looks. Its a good amount of light but not excessive.

Everything I hoped for and more!!

I was worried that something would be dented or chipped, but everything arrived perfect. It works beautifully, it looks incredible in our space. Its even bigger than I imagined. It has a handy foot pedal to turn it off and on. I was worried that the base wouldnt be heavy enough to support the lamp, but my goodness, the marble base is a BEAST. It was so heavy I had to have my husband help me put it together. We didnt even need instructions. Putting it together was very easy and intuitive. It has an interesting texture around the outside that may make dry dusting tricky, but a damp wash cloth will work just fine for cleaning. We used an Edison bulb in it and it looks amazing. I cant say enough good things about this lamp!! I am so thrilled about it. It really pulls our living room together. So if youre hesitating, just buy it! Its worth it.

,Jeffery Wynn

Extremely easy to put together, even for one person. Note that all the bolts, washers, etc are ATTACHED to the top part of the long skinny pole and also to the bottom part of the bigger pole that fits into the marble base. You merely need to unscrew those few parts, and reassemble them as shown in the picture instructions. The marble base is heavy! I found it easiest to put the marble on its side, on top of a rug or cardboard, and to put the long pole that youve already assembled, on a box (like the shipping box) or a large pillow in order to stabilize the lamp while screwing the base in. However, it is really easy to assemble.

Solid and well made!

This is beautiful, dramatic, and looks as good as many pieces Ive seen at much higher price points. The marble base is very solid and heavynot a cheap laminate fake. The chrome is even. Lamp does not wobble. Overall nice!!

,Leslie Jacobson
Good value for the money

I was hesitant to buy this lamp after reading several reviews that indicated it was top-heavy and tipped over. I was happy when received that the bottom is very heavy and there is no problem whatsoever with this item tipping. These lamps look great in my space. They are good value for the amount of money that I spend on them. I would recommend these to anybody

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